About Us - 3Com Phones.com

3Com Phones.com is a 3Com NBX Voice Authorized Gold Partner. A 3Com NBX Voice Authorized Gold partner is the highest level of certification that 3Com offers, and it makes 3Com Phones.com part of a elite group. While 3Com has close to 40,000 NBX resellers nationally, only 100 of them have achieved NBX Voice Authorized Gold Level status. 3Com Phones.com NBX Gold Level certification reflects our enourmous investment in NBX technical resources and our success in serving our customers. We have pre-installed, implemented, serviced, and provided customer support for the 3Com NBX 25, 3Com NBX 100, and 3Com Superstack 3 NBX phone systems to customers nationwide and even as far away as Europe and Asia!

You may contact us by:

Phone: 800-988-1914
Fax: 888-526-5920
E-Mail: info@inpath.com

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